Faculty Staff / Section of Plant Biology, Laboratory of Botany
Professor in Botany and Ecology
Office Location: 1st Floor, Room Β/Μ 113
Telephone: +30 2610 996777, +30 6944 297 537
Email: pdimopoulos@upatras.gr
- BSc in Biology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras (1987)
- Ph.D in Biology, School of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, Division of Plant Biology, University of Patras («Floristic and Phytosociological Research of Mountain Killini – An Ecological Approach») (1993)
Educational activities
- Undergraduate level: Co-teaching of the courses “Plant Biology ΙΙ”, “Vegetation Ecology”, “Ecology”, “Biodiversity and Conservation Biology”, “Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services”, “Flora and Fauna of Greece”.
- Postgraduate level: Co-teaching of the courses “Biodiversity Assessment and Bio-Monitoring of Species and Habitats” and “Environmental Planning and Natural Areas Conservation Management”.
Key Research activities
- 2014-2021: Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services at different spatial scales; ES supply, flow and demand in mountain ecosystems; Identification of ES as the core of Greece’s National Natural Capital; biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- 2007-2021: Contribution to Article 17 (Dir. 92/43/EEC) reporting on the conservation status assessment of species and habitat types of Greece and Cyprus.
- 1992-2021: Analysis, description, and evaluation of biodiversity at species and community level; vegetation ecology of Greece and the Mediterranean; vegetation and flora databases; Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity and biogeography.
- 1994-2021: Inventory and mapping of plant species and habitat types/vegetation types in protected areas for the implementation of the Dir. 92/43/EEC and creation of the Natura 2000 network in Greece and Cyprus.
- 2001-2021: Monitoring of plant species and habitat types.
- 2000-2010: Seed banks and vegetation restoration in disturbed ecosystems.
- 2003-2005: Conservation management of species, habitat types, ecosystems, and landscapes.
- 2003-2004 & 2010-2021: Conservation Policy and National Biodiversity Strategy; Action Plan for the Implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy in Greece, Natura 2000 network at the national level.
Representative Research Projects (2012-2021)
- 2018-2022: Mapping and Assessment for Integrated ecosystem Accounting (MAIA). HORIZON 2020. CALL: H2020-SC5-2018-1. TOPIC: SC5-18-2018. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Lars Hein, Wageningen University (NL).
- 2017-2025: Integrated Actions for the Conservation and Management of Natura 2000 Sites, Species and Ecosystems in Greece. LIFE-IP 4 Natura. Ministry of Environment and Energy. Scientific coordinator for the Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment in Greece.
- 2018-2021: Framework service contract for providing services in the area of natural capital and ecosystem assessment. Lot 1: spatial analysis and mapping, informing ecosystem-based management”. European Environment Agency (EEA) & EU DG Environment.
- 2016-2020: CLIMO – Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions COST Action CA15226. Scientific Coordinator: Prof Roberto Tognetti (Italy).
- 2016-2018: WOODIV- Origin and congruence of taxonomic, phylogenetic, functional and paleoecological diversity patterns: the model of European-Mediterranean woody plant biodiversity. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Frédéric Médail, IMBE Aix-Marseille University (France).
- 2015-2018: ESMERALDA – Enhancing Ecosystem Services Mapping for Policy and Decision Making). H2020 Coordination and Support Actions Topic: Enhancing mapping ecosystems and their services. Call: SC5-10a-2014 – Growing a Low Carbon, Resource Efficient Economy with a Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Burkhard, Kiel University (DE).
- 2015-2016: Inventory, Delineation and Assessment of Cultural Landscapes in the Natura 2000 ecological network. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation.
- 2014-2017: Sustainable management and financing of wetland biodiversity – The case of Lake Stymfalia» (LIFE12 NAT/GR/000275)”. Scientific Coordinator (for the management plan of habitats and species): Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Piraeus Bank.
- 2013-2016: Red List of Habitats of Europe. Scientific Coordinator (for Greece): Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras Funding: European Commission, ALTERRA, Wageningen.
- 2013-2014: Review of EUNIS forest habitat classification. Funding: European Environment Agency. ALTERRA, Wageningen.
- 2012-2016: Citizen Observatory Web (COBWEB). Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Theme [ENV.2012.6.5-1] [Developing community-based environmental monitoring and information systems using innovative and novel earth observation applications (Project ID 308513).
- 2013-2015: Surveillance and Conservation Status Assessment of habitat types of Community Importance in Greece. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate change.
- 2013-2015: Development of large-scale spatial data infrastructures (1:5000) for the terrestrial protected sites of the «NATURA 2000» in Southern Greece. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A.
- 2013-2015: Surveillance and Conservation Status Assessment of habitat types and species of Community Importance to the rivers of Kalamas and Acheron (estuaries and valleys). Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Management Institution of the Protected Areas of Kalamas and Acheron.
- 2013-2015: Surveillance and Conservation Status Assessment of habitat types of Community Importance on Mount Parnon and the wetland of Moustos. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Management Institution of the Protected Area Mount Parnon and the wetland of Moustos.
- 2012-2015: Surveillance and Conservation Status Assessment of habitat types of Community Importance at the National Park of Samaria (Lefka Ori, Crete). Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute and the Management Institution of the Samaria National Park.
- 2013-2015: Surveillance and Conservation Status Assessment of habitat types and species (flora and fauna) of Community Importance to the lagoon systems of Mesolongi. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Management Institution of the Protected Areas of the lagoons of Mesolongi.
- 2010-2013: BIOSOS – BIOdiversity Multi-Source Monitoring System: from Space TO Species. Seventh Framework Programme, Theme [SPA.2010.1.1.-04] [Stimulating the development of GMES services in specific areas]. Partner of the FP7 project, Coordinator for the UOI team.
- 2012-2013: Surveillance and Conservation Status Assessment of habitat types of Community Importance. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Panayotis Dimopoulos, University of Patras. Funding: Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus.
Representative Publications (2020-2021)
- Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Maria Panitsa, Athanasios Kallimanis, Arne Strid and Panayotis Dimopoulos (2021). Plant Endemism Centres and Biodiversity Hotspots in Greece. Biology, 10, 72. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10020072.
- Vassiliki Vlami, Ioannis P Kokkoris, Stamatis Zogaris, George Kehayias, Panayotis Dimopoulos (2021). Cultural Ecosystem Services in the Natura 2000 Network: Introducing Proxy Indicators and Conflict Risk in Greece. Land, 10, 4. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/land10010004.
- Cheikh Albassatneh M., Escudero M., Monnet A.C., Arroyo J., Baccheta G., Bagnoli F., Dimopoulos P., Hampe A., Leriche A., Médail F., Nikolic T., Ponger L., Vendramin G.G., Fady B. (2021). Spatial patterns of genus-level phylogenetic endemism in the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe. Diversity and Distributions: 1-16.
- Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Maria Panitsa, Arne Strid, Panayotis Dimopoulos (2021). Extinction risk assessment of the Greek endemic flora. Biology 2021, 10, 195. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10030195.
- Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Vasileios Kokkinos, Evangelos Michos, Rafael Kalogeropoulos, Marios Charalambides, Agisilaos Kounelis, Eleni Iliadou, Christos K. Damianidis, Georgios Mallinis, Christos Bouras, and Panayotis Dimopoulos (2021). MAES_GR: A web-based, spatially enabled field survey platform for the MAES implementation in Greece. Land 10 (4), 381.
- Maria Panitsa, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Anna Kontopanou, Ioannis Bazos, Arne Strid, Panayotis Dimopoulos (2021). Linking Taxonomic, Phylogenetic and Functional plant diversity with Ecosystem Services of cliffs and screes in Greece. Plants 2021, 10, 992. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10050992.
- Dimitrios Zervas, Vasiliki Tsiaoussi, Athanasios S. Kallimanis, Panayotis Dimopoulos, Erwin Bergmeier, Ioannis Tsiripidis (2021). Multiple-facet diversity patterns of aquatic vegetation in lakes along a trophic gradient. Water 13 (16), 2281 (1-17).
- Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Arne Strid, Thomas Raus
& Panayotis Dimopoulos (2021). Climate-Change Impacts on the Southernmost Mediterranean Arctic-Alpine Plant Populations. - Eleni Iliadou, Ioannis Bazos, Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Elpida Karadimou, Ioannis Kokkoris, Maria Panitsa, Thomas Raus, Arne Strid & Panayotis Dimopoulos (2020). Taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity patterns in the Northern Sporades islets complex (West Aegean, Greece). Plant Systematics and Evolution 306: 28 (1-17). (DOI: 10.1007/s00606-020-01660-0).
- Maria Panitsa, Eleni Iliadou, Ioannis Kokkoris, Athanasios Kallimanis, Constantia Patelodimou, Arne Strid, Thomas Raus, Erwin Bergmeier, Panayotis Dimopoulos (2019). Distribution patterns of ruderal plant diversity in Greece. Biodiversity and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-019-01915-4.
- Vassiliki Vlami, Jan Danek, Stamatis Zogaris, Eirini Gallou, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, George Kehayias, Panayotis Dimopoulos (2020). Residents’ views on landscape and ecosystem services during a wind farm proposal in an island protected area. Sustainability 12 (6), 2442.
- Kokkoris Ioannis., Mallinis, Georgios, Eleni S. Bekri, Vassiliki Vlami, Stamatis Zogaris, Irene Chrysafis, Ioannis Mitsopoulos and Panayotis Dimopoulos (2020). National Set of MAES Indicators in Greece: Ecosystem Services and Management Implications. Forests 11, 595; doi:10.3390/f11050595.
- Alexian Cheminal, Ioannis P Kokkoris, Arne Strid, Panayotis Dimopoulos (2020). Medicinal and Aromatic Lamiaceae Plants in Greece: Linking Diversity and Distribution Patterns with Ecosystem Services. Forests 2020, 11, 661; doi:10.3390/f11060661.
- Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Ioannis P. Kokkori, Maria Panitsa, Panayiotis Trigas, Arne Strid and Panayotis Dimopoulos (2020). Plant Diversity Patterns and Conservation Implications under Climate-Change Scenarios in the Mediterranean: The Case of Crete. Diversity 2020, 12, 270; doi:10.3390/d12070270.
- Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Ioannis P. Kokkori, Maria Panitsa, Panayiotis Trigas, Arne Strid and Panayotis Dimopoulos (2020). Spatial phylogenetics, biogeographical patterns and conservation implications of the endemic flora of Crete (Aegean, Greece) under climate change scenarios. Biology 2020, 9, 199; doi:10.3390/biology9080199
- Natalia Verde, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Charalampos Georgiadis, Dimitris Kaimaris, Panayotis Dimopoulos, Ioannis Mitsopoulos, Giorgos Mallinis (2020). Development of an object-based land cover classification workflow on the Google Earth Engine platform, for national scale ecosystem services assessment and mapping, using multitemporal Copernicus EO data. Remote Sensing 12(20), 3303; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12203303.