Faculty Staff / Section of Animal Biology
Laboratory Teaching Personnel
Office location: 3rd Floor (373)
Email: apkaparel@upatras.gr
Telephone: +30 2610 997825
- 1991: Degree in Biology, Department of Biology, University of Thessaloniki
- 1996: MSc in Oceanography – Biological Oceanography, University of Athens
- 2002: Postgraduate Certificate in Open and Distance Learning, School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University
Educational activities
Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biology, University of Patras, Laboratory Courses:
- Animal Biology Ι: Main Phyla and Protostomes
- Animal Biology II: Deuterostomes
- Animal Physiology
- Ecology I/Population Ecology
- Marine Ecology
- Aquacultures
Research and other activities
Research interests:
- Crustaceans & Mollusks (bivalvia & cephalopods) Biology, fishery and ethology
- Collection, maintenance, processing and identification of taxonomic groups of benthic samples
- Ecology of coastal ecosystems, biodiversity, anthropogenic effects on coastal ecosystem
- Structure and operation of marine aquatic ecosystems with emphasis on lagoons
- Participation in 7 research trips of the Marine Research Vessel F/R PHILIA of Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), in the North and Central Aegean Sea for experimental fishing and sampling crustaceans, fish and benthos
- Sampling of fish and crustaceans onboard fishing boats and in ports of landing – fish wharves
Research projects:
- Participation in 17 Research Programs as a member of the scientific team
Representative Publications
- Thessalou-Legaki, M., Α. Kapareliotis, 1993. Burrow construction by the shallow water ghost shrimp Callianassa tyrrhena. International Senckenberg Symposium Crustacea Decapoda, Senckenberg Museum: Frankfurt a.M. Germany (18 – 22 October 1993), Abstract Volume 35, 66p.
- Papatheodorou, G., Fakiris, E., Geraga, M., Patsourakis, M., Koutsodendris, A., Ferentinos, G., Kiparissis, S., Kapareliotis, A., Kornaros, M., Zafiri, C., Rallatos, D., (2008). Mapping of Posidonia Oceanica meadows using side scan sonar and ground trouthing techniques. 33rd IGC International Geological Congress (Oslo, Norway, 6-14 August, 2008), 11-12 pp
- Nathanailides, C., Paschos, I., Tsoumani, M., Perdikaris, C., Kapareliotis, A., (2010). Capacity for thermal acclimation and winter mortality of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in freshwater earthen ponds. Italian J. 77, 23-28
- Kiparissis, S., Fakiris, E., Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Kornaros, M., Kapareliotis, A., Ferentinos G., (2010). Illegal trawling and induced invasive algal spread as collaborative factors in a Posidonia oceanica meadow degradation. Biological Invasions 13 (3):669-678, DOI 10.1007/s10530-010-9858-9