Faculty Staff / Section of Genetics, Cell & Developmental Biology
Laboratory Teaching Personnel
Office location: 2nd Floor
Email: korvan@upatras.gr
Telephone: +30 2610 969247
- Degree in Biology (1995), University of Patras, Department of Biology
- MSc (2001), National Technical University of Athens, Chemical Engineering Dpt. / Architecture Dpt.
Educational activities
Undergeaduate Courses: Microbiology, Genetics/Genetics I and Molecular Genetics/Genetics II
Research and other activities
Infrared spectroscopy, bio-spectroscopy, heavy metal interactions with DNA and analysis of the structure of these complexes by computational methods. Participation as a research associate in 14 Greek and international research programs.
Representative Publications
- J.Anastassopoulou, K.Barbarossou, V.Korbaki, T.Theophanides, P.Legrand, J-P. Huvenne and B.Sombret.: “FT-RAMAN spectra of metal-guanosine-5’-monophosphate complexes”, Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends, eds., P.Carmona, R.Navarro and A.Hernanz, Kluwer Acad. Pub., 1997, pp233-234
- J.Anastassopoulou, V.Korbaki, H.Nastou, V.Sarrou and M.Palta.: “FT-IR studies of propofol-manganese interactions”, Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends, eds., P.Carmona, R.Navarro and A.Hernanz, Kluwer Acad. Pub., 1997, pp 603-604
- J.Anastassopoulou, V.Korbaki, H.Nastou, M.Palta and V.Sarrou.: “FT-IR studies of propofol-Magnesium interactions (Poster), Conf. on Magnesium: Current Status and New Developments Theoretical, Biological, Medical Aspects, eds, T.Theophanides and J.Anastassopoulou, Kluwer Acad. Pub., 1997, pp 41-42
- J.Anastassopoulou, K.Barbarossou, V.Korbaki, H.Nastou, Th.Rakintzis and T.Theophanides.,: “Magnesium ions – Guanosine – 5’ – Monophosphate complexes: a Spectroscopic study (Poster), Conf. on Magnesium: Current Status and New Developments Theoretical, Biological, Medical Aspects, eds, T.Theophanides and J.Anastassopoulou, Kluwer Acad. Pub., 1997, pp 43-45