Faculty Staff / Section of Animal Biology
Associate Professor
Office Location: 3rd Floor (B/M 306)
Email: makridis@upatras.gr
Office: 3rd floor, B/M 306
Telephone: +30 2610 969 224
Website: https://aquacultureuniofpatras.weebly.com/
- Master of Science, Department of Zoology (1994), University of Trondheim, Norway
- Doctor Scientarium, Department of Botany (2000), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Educational activities
Undergraduate courses:
- Animal Biology 1,
- Animal Biology 2,
- Ichthyology
- Aquaculture
Postgraduate courses in three MSc programs:
- Applied Ecology – ecosystem and biological resource management
- Interdepartmental program of postgraduate studies of the departments of Biology, Geology, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the school of Natural Sciences of University of Patras.
- Oceanography – exploration, survey, and management of the marine environment
Research and other activities
Research interests: culture of marine fish larvae, live food, microbiology in aquaculture systems, culture of microalgae, antimicrobial activity.
Responsible Scientist in five current Research projects:
- Oxygen management in fish farming cages to maximize productive yields, OXYGONO (2019-2022). Collaboration with Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Heraklion, Crete, and Galaxidi Marine Farms A/S.
- Improvement of broodstock management and fingerling production methods for greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili), MAGIATIKO (2019-2022). Collaboration with Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Heraklion, Crete), Argosaronikos Aquaculture A/S, IRIDA S.A., University of Thessaly, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and Galaxidi Marine Farms A/S.
- Isolation and cultivation of local microALGAe species from lagoons with the VISION of mass production of antimicrobial substances, fatty acids, pigments, and antioxidants, ALGAVISION (2019-2022). (Co-ordinator). Collaboration with Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering & Environmental Technology, University of Patras and Department of Animal Production, Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Patras.
- Optimizing land-based fish production in next generation digital recirculating aquaculture systems, DIGIRAS. (2020-2023). Collaboration with SINTEF Ocean AS, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Bielefeld University, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, LetSea AS, AKVA group, FRESH Völklingen GmbH, Norwegian Fish Farms Tydal, AVRAMAR Group.
- Microbiome analysis and histology in fish samples, A-live. (2021-2022). Collaboration with MIXSCIENCE, France, Agroinvest and AVRAMAR Group.
Representative Publication
- SERGI, E., ORFANAKIS M., DIMITRIADI A., CHRISTOU M., ZACHOPOULOU A., KOURKOUTA C., PRINTZI A., ZERVOU S.K., MAKRIDIS P., HISKIA A., KOYMOUNDOUROS G., 2022. Sublethal exposure to Microcystis aeruginosa extracts during embryonic development reduces aerobic swimming capacity in juvenile zebrafish. Aquatic Toxicology 243, 106074.
- MANGANO et al., 2022. The aquaculture supply chain in the time of covid-19 pandemic: Vulnerability, resilience, solutions and priorities at the global scale. Environmental Science and Policy, 127, 98-110.
- SARA G. et al., 2021. The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture.
- MAKRIDIS, P., KOKOU F., BOURNAKAS C., PAPANDROULAKIS N., SARROPOULOU E., 2021. Isolation of Phaeobacter sp. From larvae of Atlantic bonito (sarda sarda) in a mesocosmos unit, and its use for the rearing of European seabass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax l.). Microorganisms 9(1), 128.
- MAKRIDIS P., MENTE E., GRUNDVIG H., GAUSEN M., KOUTSIKOPOULOS, C., BERGHEIM A., 2018. Monitoring of oxygen fluctuations in seabass cages (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in a commercial fish farm in Greece. Aquaculture Research 49(2), 684-691.
- HARBI K., MAKRIDIS P., KOUKOUMIS S., PAPADIONYSIOY M., VGENIS T., KORNAROS M., NTAIKOU K., GIOKAS S., DAILIANIS S., 2017. Evaluation of a battery of marine species-based bioassays against raw and treated municipal wastewaters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321, 537-546.
- BERILLIS P., MENTE E., NIKOULI E., MAKRIDIS P., GRUNDVIG H., BERGHEIM A., GAUSEN M., 2016. Improving aeration for efficient oxygenation in sea bass sea cages. Blood, brain, and gill histology. Open Life Sciences 11(1), 270-279.
- GEORGIOU S., MAKRIDIS P., DIMOPOULOS D., POWER D.M., MAMURIS Z., MOUTOU K.A., 2014. Myosin light chain 2 isoforms in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.): Molecular growth markers at early stages. Aquaculture 432, 434-442.
- PINTADO, J., PLANAS, M., MAKRIDIS, P., 2014. Live feeds: Microbial assemblages, probiotics, and prebiotics (Book chapter). Aquaculture Nutrition: Gut health, probiotics and prebiotics, pp. 419-442.
- STEFANAKIS M.K., ANASTASOPOULOS E., KATERINOPOULOS H.E., AND MAKRIDIS P., 2014. Use of essential oils extracted from three Origanum species for disinfection of cultured rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis). Aquaculture Research 45(11), 1861-1866.
- SARROPOULOU E., MOGHADAM H.K., PAPANDROULAKIS N., DE LA GANDARA F., ORTEGA GARCIA A., AND MAKRIDIS P. 2014. The Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda, Bloch 1793) transcriptome and detection of differential expression during larvae development. PLoS ONE 9(2), e87744.
- STEFANAKIS M.K., TOULOUPAKIS E., GHANOTAKIS, D., ANASTASOPOULOS E., KATERINOPOULOS H.E., AND MAKRIDIS P., 2013. Antibacterial activity of essential oils from plants of the genus Origanum. Food Control 34(2), 539-546.
- PRESTINICOLA L., BOGLIONE C., MAKRIDIS P., SPANO A., RIMATORI V., PALAMARA E., SCARDI M., AND CATAUDELLA S., 2013. Environmental conditioning of sceletal anomalies typology and frequency in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L., 1758) juveniles. PLoS ONE 8(2), art.no. e55736.
- MAKRIDIS P., FERREIRA T., KOKOU F., TSIGENOPOULOS C., AND DIVANACH P., 2012. Quantitative and qualitative aspects of bacterial communities associated with cultures of Chlorella minutissima. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 43(4), 571-578.
- KOKOU F., MAKRIDIS P*., KENTOURI M., AND DIVANACH P., 2012. Antibacterial activity of microalgae cultures. Aquaculture Research 43(10), 1520-1527.
- PINTADO* J., PROL M., BALCAZAR J.L., PLANAS M., AND MAKRIDIS P., 2011. New strategies for the control of bacterial infections in marine fish larval rearing (Book chapter). Aquaculture Biology and Biotechnology 2, pp 14-30.
- CONCEICAO* L.E.C., YUFERA M., MAKRIDIS P., MORAIS S., AND DINIS, M.T., 2010. Live feeds for early stages of fish rearing. Aquaculture Research 41(5), 613-640.
- PAPAZI A., MAKRIDIS P., AND DIVANACH P., 2010. Harvesting Chlorella minutissima using cell coagulants. Journal of Applied Phycology 22(3), 349-355.
- AVELLA M.A., GIOACCHINI G., DECAMP O., MAKRIDIS P., BRACIATELLI C., AND CARNEVALI, O., 2010. Application of multi-species of Bacillus in sea bream larviculture. Aquaculture 305(1-4), 12-19.
- MAKRIDIS P., RIBEIRO L., ROCHA R., AND DINIS M.T., 2010. Influence of microalgae supernatant, and bacteria isolated from microalgae cultures, on microbiology, and digestive capacity of larval gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, and Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 41(5), 780-790.
- MAKRIDIS* P., MOREIRA C., ALVES COSTA R., RODRIGUES P., AND DINIS M.T., 2009. Use of microalgae biorencapsulated in Artemia during the weaning of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup). Aquaculture 292(3-4), 153-157.
- CASTRO CUNHA M., MAKRIDIS P. *, SOARES, F., RODRIGUES, P. AND DINIS, M.T., 2008. Timing of Appearance of Lymphoid Cells during Early Development of Senegalese Sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 39(3), 436-439.
- PAPAZI A., MAKRIDIS P., DIVANACH, P., AND KOTZABASIS*, K., 2008. Bioenergetic changes in the microalgal photosynthetic apparatus by extremely high CO2 concentrations induce an intense biomass production. Physiologia Plantarum 132(3), 338-349.
- MAKRIDIS P*., MARTINS S., REIS J., DINIS M.T., 2008. Use of probiotic bacteria in the rearing of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae. Aquaculture Research 39(6), 627-634.
- CUNHA M.C., MAKRIDIS P*., SOARES F., RODRIGUES P., AND DINIS M., 2008. Timing of appearance of lymphoid cells during early development of Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39(3), 436-439.
- MAKRIDIS P., ALVES COSTA R., DINIS M.T., 2006. MICROBIAL CONDITIONS AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY IN CULTURES OF two microalgae species, Tetraselmis chuii and Chlorella minutissima, and effect on bacterial load of enriched Artemia metanauplii. Aquaculture 255, 76-81.
- RUANE, N.M., MAKRIDIS, P BALM., P.H.M., AND DINIS, M.T., 2005. Skin darkness is related to cortisol, but not MSH, content in post-larval Solea senegalensis (Kaup, 1858). Journal of Fish Biology 67(2), 577-581.
- MAKRIDIS, P., MARTINS, S., VERCAUTEREN, T., VAN DRIESSCHE, K., DECAMP, O., AND DINIS, M.T., 2005. Evaluation of CANDIDATE probiotic strains for gilthead sea bream larvae (Sparus aurata) using an in vivo approach. Letters in Applied Microbiology 40, 274-277.
- MAKRIDIS, P., MARTINS S., TSALAVOUTA, M., CATALÃO DIONISIO, L., KOTOULAS, G., MAGOULAS, A., AND DINIS, M.T., 2005. Antimicrobial activity in bacteria isolated from Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, fed with natural prey. Aquaculture Research 36(16), 1619-1627.
- MAKRIDIS, P., BERGH, Ø., SKJERMO, J., O. VADSTEIN, 2001. Addition of bacteria bioencapsulated in Artemia metanauplii to a rearing system for halibut larvae. Aquaculture International 9(3), 225-235.
- BERGH, Ø., VIKANES, L., MAKRIDIS, P., SKJERMO, J., KNAPPSKOG, D., RØDSETH, O.M., 2001. Uptake and processing of a Vibrio anguillarum bacterin in Artemia franciscana measured by ELISA and immunohistochemistry. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 11(1), 15-22.
- MAKRIDIS, P., FJELLHEIM, A.J., SKJERMO, J., VADSTEIN, O., 2000.Control of the bacterial flora of Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia franciscana by incubation in bacterial suspensions. Aquaculture 185(3-4), 207-218.
- MAKRIDIS, P., FJELLHEIM, A.J., SKJERMO, J., VADSTEIN, O., 2000. Colonization of the gut in first feeding turbot by bacterial strains added to the water or bioencapsulated in rotifers. Aquaculture International 8(5), 367-380.
- MAKRIDIS, P., OLSEN, Y., 1999. Protein depletion of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis during starvation. Aquaculture 174 (3-4), 343-353.
- MAKRIDIS, P., VADSTEIN, O., 1999. Food size selectivity of Artemia franciscana at three developmental stages. Journal of Plankton Research 21(11), 2191-2201.
- ØIE, G., MAKRIDIS, P., REITAN, K.I., OLSEN, Y., 1997. Protein and carbon utilisation of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) in first feeding of turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Aquaculture 153 (1-2), 103-122.