Faculty Staff / Section of Genetics, Cell & Developmental Biology
Laboratory Teaching Personnel
Office location: 2nd floor
e-mail: pavlou@upatras.gr
Tel.: +30 2610 969244
- Βachelor of Arts in Biochemistry and Mathematics (1987), Smith College, Northampton, MA USA
- Ph.D. in Genetics (1994), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN USA
- Post-doctoral researcher (1995-2001), Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion.
Educational activities
Undergraduate courses:
- Bioethics
Laboratory exercises for undergraduate courses:
- Biochemistry I and II
- Cell Biology
- Developmental Biology
Research activities
- Signal transduction and neuroprotection in Parkinson’s animal models.
- Cell-biomaterial interactions.
- Cell adhesion molecules in neuronal development.
Representative publications
- O. Pavlou, R. Ehlenfeldt, S. Horn, H. T. Orr, “Isolation, characterization and in vivo analysis of the murine calbindin-D28K upstream regulatory region”, Mol. Brain Res., 36, 268-279 (1996).
- M. Buttiglione, J.M. Revest, O. Pavlou, D. Karagogeos, A. Furley, G. Rougon, C. Faivre-Sarrailh, “A functional interaction between the neuronal adhesion molecules TAG-1 and F3 modulates neurite outgrowth and fasciculation of cerebellar granule cells”, J. Neurosci., 18, 6853-6870 (1998).
- D. Karagogeos and O. Pavlou, Mouse mutations in the study of cerebellar development in “Mouse Models in the Study of Genetic Neurological Disorders”, B. Popko (editor), Advances in Neurochemistry, vol. 9, Plenum Publishers, New York, 63-97, (1999).
- O. Pavlou, C. Theodorakis, J. Falk, M. Kutsche, M. Schachner, C. Faivre-Sarrailh, and D. Karagogeos, “Analysis of interactions of the adhesion molecule TAG-1 and its domains with other immunoglobulin superfamily members”, Mol. Cell. Neurosci., 20, 367-381 (2002).
- M. Denaxa, O. Pavlou, P. Tsiotra, G.C. Papadopoulos, K.Liapaki, C. Theodorakis, C. Papadaki, D. Karagogeos, and J. Papamatheakis, “The upstream regulatory region of the human homologue of the neuronal cell adhesion molecule TAG-1 contains elements driving neural specific expression in vivo”, Mol. Brain Res., 118, 91-101 (2003).
- K. Botsakis, O.Pavlou, P.Poulou, N. Matsokis and F. Angelatou “Blockade of adenosine A2A receptors downregulates DARPP-32 but increases ERK1/2 activity in striatum of dopamine deficient “weaver” mouse”, Neurochem. Int., 56, 245-249 (2010)