Academic staff / Sector of Animal Biology
Associate Professor
Office location: 3rd Floor
Email: aramfos@upatras.gr
Telephone: +30 2610 969262
- Bachelor Agricultural University of Athens, Dpt. of Agricultural Biology & Biotechnology
- MSc in Marine Biology, Fisheries & Aquaculture – Dpt. of Biology, University of Patras
- PhD – Dpt. of Biology, University of Patras
Educational activities
Research and other activities
- Study of benthic plant and animal species in coastal and transitional ecosystems.
- Aquaculture environmental impacts.
- Zooplankton study in coastal and pelagic ecosystems.
- Mapping of protected habitats in coastal ecosystems.
- Development of specialized software applications for marine organisms and analysis of hydrological and biological data.
Representative Publications
- Ramfos A., Somarakis S., Koutsikopoulos C. and Fragopoulu N. (2005). Summer mesozooplankton distribution in coastal waters of central Greece (eastern Mediterranean) I. Hydrology and group composition. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85(4): 755-764.
- Ramfos A., Somarakis S., Koutsikopoulos C. and Fragopoulu N. (2005). Summer mesozooplankton distribution in coastal waters of central Greece (eastern Mediterranean) ΙI. Species assemblages. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85(4): 765-784.
- Isari S., Ramfos A., Somarakis S., Koutsikopoulos C., Kallianiotis A. and Fragopoulou N. (2006). Mesozooplankton distribution in relation to hydrology of the Northeastern Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Plankton Research 28(3): 241-255.
- Ramfos A., Isari S., Somarakis S., Georgopoulos D., Koutsikopoulos C. and Fragopoulu N. (2006). Mesozooplankton community structure in offshore and coastal waters of the Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean) during mixed and stratified conditions. Marine Biology 150(1): 29-44.
- Isari S., Psarra S., Pitta P., Mara P., Tomprou M.O., Ramfos A., Somarakis S., Tselepidis A., Koutsikopoulos C. and Fragopoulu N. (2007). Differential patterns of mesozooplankters’ distribution in relation to physical and biological variables of the northeastern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Marine Biology 151(3): 1035-1050.
- Georgiadis M., Papatheodorou G., Tzanatos E, Geraga M, Ramfos A., Koutsikopoulos C & Ferentinos G. (2009). Coralligène formations in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Morphology, distribution, mapping and relation to fisheries in the southern Aegean Sea (Greece) based on high-resolution acoustics. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology, 368: 44-58.
- Somarakis S., Ramfos A., Palialexis A., Valavanis V.D. (2011). Contrasting multispecies patterns in larval fish production trace inter-annual variability in oceanographic conditions over the N.E. Aegean Sea continental shelf (eastern Mediterranean). Hydrobiologia, 670: 275-287.
- Ramfos A., Gazis A., Katselis G. (2012). Development and evaluation of an automated digital image analysis software for obtaining seagrass leaf metrics. Botanica Marina, 55(6): 601–610.
- Fakiris E., Zoura D., Ramfos A., Spinos E., Georgiou N., Ferentinos G., Papatheodorou G. (2018). Object- based classification of sub-bottom profiling data for benthic habitat mapping. Comparison with sidescan and RoxAnn in a Greek shallow-water habitat. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 208: 219–234.
- Moutopoulos D.K., Stoumboudi M.T., Ramfos A., Tsagarakis K., Gritzalis C., Petriki O., Barbieri R., Machias A., Stergiou K.I., Bobori D.C. (2018). Food web modelling on the structure and functioning of a Mediterranean lentic system. Hydrobiologia, 822: 259–283.
- Orfanidis, S., Papathanasiou, V., Mittas, N., Theodosiou, T., Ramfos, A., Tsioli, S., Kosmidou, M., Kafas, A., Mystikou, A., Papadimitriou, A. (2020). Further improvement, validation, and application of CymoSkew biotic index for the ecological status assessment of the Greek coastal and transitional waters. Ecological Indicators, 118, Article number: 106727.
- Zotou, M., Gkrantounis, P., Karadimou, E., Tsirintanis, K., Sini, M., Poursanidis, D., Azzolin, M., Dailianis, T., Kytinou, E., Issaris, Y., Gerakaris, V., Salomidi, M., Lardi, P., Ramfos, A., Akrivos, V., Spinos, E., Dimitriadis, C., Papageorgiou, D., Lattos, A., Giantsis, I.A., Michaelidis, B., Vassilopoulou, V., Miliou, A., Katsanevakis, S. (2020). Pinna nobilis in the Greek seas (NE Mediterranean): On the brink of extinction? Mediterranean Science, 21: 558–574.
- Moutopoulos, D.K., Ramfos, A., Theodorou, J.A., Katselis, G. (2021). Biological aspects, population and fishery dynamics of the non-indigenous pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata radiata (Leach, 1814) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2021, 45, 101821.