Faculty Staff / Section of Animal Biology
Assistant Professor
Office location: 3rd Floor
Email: tzanatos@upatras.gr
Telephone: +30 2610 969225
- 1999: Degree in Biology, University of Patras, Department of Biology
- 2002: MSc, University of Patras, Department of Biology
- 2006: PhD, University of Patras, Department of Biology
- 2010: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (Stock Assessment-Advanced)
Educational activities
Undergraduate Courses:
- Animal Biology Ι: Main Phyla and Protostomes
- Animal Biology II: Deuterostomes
- Ecology I/Population Ecology
- Marine Ecology
- Ichthyology
Postgraduate courses:
- Sampling Design, Analysis of Environmental Data & Ecological Models
- Fish Population Dynamics & Management of Marine Biological Resources
Research and other activities
Research interests:
- Fish ecology
- Functioning and conservation of marine ecosystems
- Fisheries methodology and management
- Anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems
Participation in eight oceanographic or fisheries research surveys. Design and implementation of experimental fishing and fisheries monitoring onboard commercial vessels and in port.
Research projects:
Coordinator of two research projects. Participation in eight other international and eight national research projects.
Representative Publications
- Tzanatos E., Somarakis S., Tserpes G., Koutsikopoulos C. (2006): Identifying and classifying small-scale fisheries métiers in the Mediterranean: a case study in the Patraikos Gulf, Greece. Fisheries Research, 81: 158-168.
- Tzanatos E., Castro J., Forcada A., Matic-Skoko S., Gaspar M., Koutsikopoulos C. (2013): A Metier-Sustainability-Index (MSI25) to evaluate fisheries components: assessment of cases from data-poor fisheries from southern Europe, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70: 78-98.
- Tzanatos E., Raitsos D. E., Triantafyllou G., Somarakis S., Tsonis A. A. (2014): Indications of a climate effect on Mediterranean fisheries, Climatic Change, 122: 41-54.
- Georgiadis M., Mavraki N., Koutsikopoulos C., Tzanatos E. (2014): Spatio-temporal dynamics and management implications of the nightly appearance of Boops boops (Acanthopterygii, Perciformes) juvenile shoals in the anthropogenically modified Mediterranean littoral zone, Hydrobiologia, 734: 81-96.
- Koutsidi M., Tzanatos E., Machias A., Vassilopoulou V. (2016): Fishing for function: The use of biological traits to evaluate the effects of multi-species fisheries on the functioning of fisheries assemblages, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73: 1091-1103.