Faculty Staff / Section of Plant Biology
Laboratory Teaching Personnel
Office Location:1st Floor, Office No B/M 110
Email: saspanou@upatras.gr
Telephone: +30 2610 997770
- Sc. in Biology, Dept. of Biology, University of Patras. Greece (1995).
- Master of Science in «Conservation», University College London (U.C.L), England (1997)
- PhD in Biology-Ecology, Biology Department University of Patras, Greece (2010).
Educational activities
Graduate level
- Courses: Plant Μοrphology and Anatomy, Vegetation Ecology, Geobotany
- Laboratory exercises: Plant Μοrphology and Anatomy, Community and Ecosystem Ecology and Vegetation Ecology
Postgraduate level
- Courses: Biodiversity Evaluation and Biomonitoring of Species and habitats, Environmental planning and management of natural areas.
- Laboratory exercises: training of postgraduate students in G.I.S applications.
Research and other activities
- Research interests: Εcological evaluation and management of Natural Protected areas, Applications of G.I.S in ecology and ecosystem management and conservation, Biodiversity and biomonitoring of plant species and habitats via G.I.S, Remote sensing and mapping of vegetation and habitat types, Study of natural ecosystems and habitats via contemporary methods of description and vegetation analysis.
- Participation in Greek and International conferences with 26 publications in conference proceedings.
- Participation as an expert in more than 20 national and European research programmes.
- Reviewer in four scientific journals (Environmental Management, Sustainability, Anatolia, Current Issues in Tourism).
- Μember of Hellenic Botanical Society.
Representative Publications
- Georgiadis, G, Spanou, S., Kokkoris, , Tiniakou, A., & Georgiadis, Th. (2014). Introducing an integrated monitoring system for natural ecosystems: The example of Strofilia wetlands in Western Peloponnese, Greece. International Journal of Environmental Research. 8(4): 1195-1202.
- Spanou, S., Tiniakou, A., & Georgiadis, Th. (2013). Exploring agroecosystem floristic and vegetation diversity in a Mediterranean Ecosystem. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences. 3(3): 11-25.
- Spanou, S., Tsegenidi, K., & Georgiadis, Th. (2012). Perception of visitors’ environmental impacts of ecotourism: A case study in the Valley of Butterflies protected area, Rhodes Island, Greece. International Journal of Environmental Research. 6(1): 245-258.
- Spanou, S., Tiniakou, A., & Georgiadis, Nikolaidis, V., & Georgiadis, Th. (2007): Comparative study of protected areas in Greece: The case-study of three littoral Pinus pinea Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. Vol. 16 – No. 11a, pp. 1335-1344.
- Spanou, S., VERROIOS, G., DIMITRELLOS, G.,Livaniou-Tiniakou, A., Georgiadis, Th. & Anagnostopoulos, A. (2007). Establishing a bio-monitoring programme of plant species and habitats of the Mesogaia area (Athens, Greece): baseline survey results. Journal of Biological Research. 8:159–166.
- Spanou S., Verroios, G., Dimitrellos, G.,Tiniakou, A. & Georgiadis, Th. (2006). Notes on the flora and vegetation of the sand dunes of western Greece. Willdenowia 36: 235-246.